Mfundekelwa Mkhulisi | Daily Sun reporter

Mfundekelwa Mkhulisi | Daily Sun reporter

WELCOME to eMakhabeleni, a village outside Greytown in KZN, where people don't know what load shedding is.

While most South Africans have to plan their lives around Eskom's schedule of power cuts, people here don't have to worry.

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The village in pictures

Villagers sold LIES!

Villagers rely on rivers and natural springs for drinking water.

Villagers rely on rivers and natural springs for drinking water.

2023, still no water for villagers

EMAKHABELENI is a forgotten village! The rural area, which is about 60 km from Greytown in KZN, has never had running water and electricity.

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Pupils from Esokheni High School share their daily struggle.

Pupils from Esokheni High School share their daily struggle.

Pupils' long walk not freedom

TEACHING hungry and tired pupils is a challenge for teachers at Esokheni High School in eMakhabeleni Village, outside Greytown in KZN.

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Sithembiso Masikane complained about the lack of opportunities.

Sithembiso Masikane complained about the lack of opportunities.

One taxi for entire village!

STHEMBISO Masikane slumps his shoulders in a look of defeat when he talks about the future of young people in his remote village of KwaDinda in eMakhabeleni, outside Greytown in KZN.

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Young people share their stories

"We drink dirty water peed on by animals!"

Induna Jabulani Bhengu

"When you ask why the project is not complete, they tell you there's a shortage of cables."
Induna Jabulani Bhengu

IZINDUNA from eMakhabeleni, outside Greytown in KZN, will not give up fighting for service delivery in their respective communities. 

They struggle to have basic needs such as water, electricity and roads. 

The community leaders said they have been to every department asking for help, but nothing is happening. 

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The village elders share their stories

A special thank you to: Mfundekelwa Mkhulisi (Daily Sun Journalist) | Solomon Mahapa (Revise Sub) | Laila Majiet (AV Editor) | Wendy Mathebula (Homepage Editor) | Photos & Videos by Trevor Kunene | Phumla Makhubo (CM) | Thabiso Nkosi (CM) | Doreen Molefe (Deputy Editor) | Amos Mananyetso (Editor) | Stephens Molobi (News Editor)